Guidance for Navigating Transitions

Listen to the Channeled Message

You are in transition between the old and the new. The old doesn’t seem right for you and the new hasn’t arrived yet. Transitions are complicated. Your heart still carries some burdens from the past. These hurts and painful events are not weighing you down or preventing you from moving forward. They are present as part of the transition to the new. Your fond memories and love for others are also present in this transition period. As you realize more and more that the new is coming–and we assure you that it is–nostalgia for what is no longer in your life, arises.

It is not your task to sort through and make clear everything that is present to you during this time. Transition means transitory. There are so many transient energies present that to hold onto anything long enough to examine it, categorize it, and put it to rest is impossible. Honor the past, acknowledge the present, and look forward to the future (instead of dissecting the past, analyzing the present, and predicting the future).

You are where you are. How and why you are in your present circumstance has no bearing on your future. Your present array of emotions from the lingering past also has no influence on your future. Relax, knowing you can be present to the transient emotions, people, and places without delaying what will be your future.

During transitions there can also be a hint of the new, causing great excitement. Refrain from pushing forward. These are sprinkles of what is to come when it is time. Greet every hopeful sign with gratitude, and trust the new to happen at the perfect time.

You are where you are as part of the gentle path. By design you are not fully in the past or the future. The bridge of transition has its purpose. Embrace what this time is for. Relax into the present. And, be willing to fulfill the purpose of this time.

4 comments on “Guidance for Navigating Transitions

  1. This is what I am experiencing currently. Thank you for this iSight it is of great valise at this time! I’ve struggled to put language to it. The awareness of struggle was a sign that I was out of moment.

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