“Dream yourself awake” is a phrase we give you today to catch your attention and steer you toward what matters here and now. Life experiences are varied. Some experiences you want to linger while others you would rather skip over or substitute for better ones. Moments can range from unbearable to tolerable to ecstasy. You sort through the moments picking ones that are more pleasant and avoiding moments that are difficult. You believe you have the power to choose your events and circumstances. Therefore, when a moment is unpleasant you frantically try to choose a different circumstance. Your power lies […]
Tag Archives: healing energy
How to Respond to Attacking Energies
When someone loves you and purposely tries to hurt you, there is a core wound rising to the surface. It is difficult for you to reconcile love with attack. We ask you to stop trying to equate these two energies as if they could possibly co-exist in a harmonious blend. Your core wound is the experience of attack where there was once love. Where there is love, there is no attack. Where there is attack, there is fear. And, fear is an energy that hides love. Love is a continuous energy that exists always and everywhere. Overlaying this energy can […]