The human experience can be overwhelming and engaging. You are learning how to engage with the world and still maintain a connection with us. In the depths of despair and in the moments of wonder and excitement, your connection with us remains constant. There is no severing or disruption of the connection. I am given an image. I see myself trudging through mud and debris. Above my head is a rope that hangs down from the sky. As I walk, the rope moves along with me. My eyes are focused downward, so I do not notice the rope. When you […]
Category Archives: Guidance
Surrender to the Flow
What is God’s will? Do you know? You may think you know your own will, but to know the Creator’s will would require you to be the Creator. We who only exist in the essence of love, could give you a glimpse of what your Creator wills for you. But, to truly know God’s will you must experience it for yourself. How is it possible to experience God’s will if you do not know the will of the Father? You must surrender your own will to find out. We want you to imagine a scenario in which you let go […]
When It Is Difficult to Be Here – A Heartfelt Message from My Guides
All of you are trusting that you are on the right path, and what you are expecting to accomplish will be done according to the will of the Divine plan. We are assisting you in your efforts and ask that you continue to abide by your heart’s desire and your own will to accomplish your purpose for this lifetime. You are struggling with many things on your planet. And, these struggles can be quite challenging when they appear as if they do not have solutions that satisfy the whole and benefit everyone. Your willingness to adjust to the experiences that […]
Guidance for Navigating Transitions
You are in transition between the old and the new. The old doesn’t seem right for you and the new hasn’t arrived yet. Transitions are complicated. Your heart still carries some burdens from the past. These hurts and painful events are not weighing you down or preventing you from moving forward. They are present as part of the transition to the new. Your fond memories and love for others are also present in this transition period. As you realize more and more that the new is coming–and we assure you that it is–nostalgia for what is no longer in your […]
Yes Is a Powerful Word
We are pleased that you are willing to expand what you currently know into a greater experience of Divine intelligence. Life is a series of steps that are not random. These steps are always ready for you to climb. However, you are not always ready to take the next step. That is OK. There is no reason to rush into anything you are not ready for. Yet we ask you to consider speeding up your readiness because the next step is glorious, and we want you to experience all that is waiting for you when you are ready. How do […]
A Simple Prayer to Help Guide You
Is your intellect the leader in your life or your inner knowing? Which do you follow when taking action? Your intellect seems worthy of your trust. And yet, haven’t you found when following the intellect – pain and confusion? It tricks you into believing that pain is part of the package when you signed up for a life experience. That way, you do not question its leadership when it leads to less than perfect peace and joy. You must become aware of a few of your basic rights in order to switch your allegiance to the knowing of your heart. […]
How Can I Help Those Who Are Suffering?
You ask how you can help those who are suffering. The answer requires you to turn away from the problem just for a moment. This act of closing your eyes to the distress is not an act of denial or disregard for others. It is part of the helpfulness you can offer to a suffering world. When you close your eyes, you immediately become aware of your own internal world. Why is this necessary? Because the help you desire to give, originates from deep inside you. If you do not go within, how can you hope to offer help without […]
You Deserve to Be Free
To learn what you are and what is real and true is the ultimate freedom. Until you know these facts, you will not experience being truly free. Freedom is a right, and rights are given to all regardless of status, choices, failures, successes, or beliefs. YOU evaluate the right to freedom based on proof that you have earned it through believing the correct doctrine, siding with the right political system, sacrifice and hard work, your commitment to a cause, your ability to serve others, and so on. If freedom is an inherent right, then all beings are created free. And […]
Healing Is a Free Gift
Question to my Guides: There are so many different methods of healing claiming to be the ONE that works. It can be confusing. What is important for us to know about healing? Healing is a free gift. Everyone is worthy of God’s grace. The problem is the same, yet the remedy may be different. We begin this message with these three simple facts. God asks nothing of you to receive a gift. You are deserving of gifts. And, the problem is always the same yet the remedies vary depending on the needs of everyone involved. Many have trouble focusing on […]