Surrender to the Flow

What is God’s will? Do you know? You may think you know your own will, but to know the Creator’s will would require you to be the Creator. We who only exist in the essence of love, could give you a glimpse of what your Creator wills for you. But, to truly know God’s will you must experience it for yourself. How is it possible to experience God’s will if you do not know the will of the Father? You must surrender your own will to find out. We want you to imagine a scenario in which you let go […]

Your Unique Part in Healing the World

In this world of multiplicity there is not one single universal experience of being human. That is by design. The most efficient way to heal the mind of its sense of separation is to experience all its expressions at once and heal each one with the answer of love and unity. What would be the value of all the souls healing the exact same expression? It would not only be redundant; it would stretch out the time when the separation experience ends, and the state of consciousness is unified through one experience of love. Be content in doing your part. […]

Rest in the Healing Process

“Dream yourself awake” is a phrase we give you today to catch your attention and steer you toward what matters here and now. Life experiences are varied. Some experiences you want to linger while others you would rather skip over or substitute for better ones. Moments can range from unbearable to tolerable to ecstasy. You sort through the moments picking ones that are more pleasant and avoiding moments that are difficult. You believe you have the power to choose your events and circumstances. Therefore, when a moment is unpleasant you frantically try to choose a different circumstance. Your power lies […]

When It Is Difficult to Be Here – A Heartfelt Message from My Guides

All of you are trusting that you are on the right path, and what you are expecting to accomplish will be done according to the will of the Divine plan. We are assisting you in your efforts and ask that you continue to abide by your heart’s desire and your own will to accomplish your purpose for this lifetime. You are struggling with many things on your planet. And, these struggles can be quite challenging when they appear as if they do not have solutions that satisfy the whole and benefit everyone. Your willingness to adjust to the experiences that […]